Transport within Poland | International transport | The hour of waiting for the loading in any kind of transport |
- Regular transport
- Regular transport
Net 1,40 zł Gross 1,70 zł |
Net 1,40 zł Gross 1,70 zł |
Net 24,59 zł Gross 30,00zł |
With bigger orders we accept negotiation of the prices.
We also have the possibility of storing the cargo in the warehouse (heated) - 500m2 and the hight of 6,5m and the smaller warehouse – 200m2 and the hight of 3m (also heated). Our prices are for the storing of one Euro pallet up to the hight of 4m for one day in our warehouse – 7k from the city centre of Szczecin and 7km form Polish-German broad. We have big experience in storing different types of cargo, preparing the delivery , loading and arranging the transport.
- 1zł net, for the period at least 30 days.
- 3,5 zł net up to 30 days.
For all the services we offer you will be given the invoice.
How to count the cost of the transport?
To count the cost of the transport in Poland or of the international transport we suggest to use one of the internet maps, which will count the distance between the places. Dear customers, please remember that our company is situated in Szczecin, so all the costs start in Szczecin.
Below we present the example how to count the distance on the example of the route Gorzów Wielkopolski - Berlin:
The distance between Szczcin –Gorzów Wlkp – 95km
The distance between Gorzów Wlkp- Berlin – 153km
Berlin – Szczecin – 142km
Total: 390km = 507zł net
- Cash
- Bank transfer ( the service is done after receiving 1/3 of the total price)